Networks & Collaboration

Task 48 provides a platform for the open exchange of ideas, experience, and techniques of Airborne Wind Energy systems. Started in 2021 Task 48 aims to build a strong community that works together to identify and mitigate the barriers to the development and deployment of airborne wind energy systems. We provide a structured forum for international collaborations between researchers, supply chains, and users to exchange needs, ideas, and experiences.

EAWE is an international non-profit organization that promotes and supports the development of wind energy science. Their goal is to exploit wind energy to its full potential for the benefit of the world. As an international alliance of more than 55 universities in Europe and the US, EAWE is a community of worldwide experts in wind energy that provides a credible voice for tomorrow’s wind energy research.

WindEurope is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind energy across Europe. They have over 400 members from across the whole value chain of wind energy: wind turbine manufacturers, component suppliers, power utilities and wind farm developers, financial institutions, research institutes and national wind energy associations.

The German Wind Energy Association (Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V. or BWE) has played a major role in Germany’s energy transition process. With some 20,000 members, it is one of the world’s largest associations in the renewables sector. For many years, BWE has been increasingly successful in advising political decision-makers and efficiently expanding wind power in Germany.

The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) is an international business association that promotes a sustainable decentralised renewable energy industry for the 21st century, activating markets for affordable energy services, and creating local jobs and inclusive economies.

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, an initiative of the European Commission, is the central platform for the clean energy transition of the more than 2,200 inhabited European islands. Despite having access to renewable sources of energy, such as wind and wave energy, many of them depend on expensive fossil fuel imports for their energy supply.

Greening the Islands is an innovative organization that supports self-sufficiency and sustainability of islands worldwide. They aim at testing in the islands solutions as well as new economic and lifestyle models that can be applied everywhere. They match needs and solutions enabling cooperation between local authorities, business, citizens and academia.

EUFORES is a European cross-party network of Members of Parliament from the European Parliament as well as from the EU27 national and regional Parliaments. EUFORES core objective is the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency. EUFORES is supported by a variety of non-parliamentary members from the renewable energy and energy efficiency community strongly committed to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME is a Brussels-based business federation which currently counts 24 European associations among its members, with more than 2.1 million enterprises, employing over 16 million people. European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME represents the interests of its members towards the institutions of the European Union and strives to offer more opportunities and real added value to affiliates and their member companies.

REOLTEC was created in 2005 as a project within Asociación Empresarial Eólica for the management of the Technological Platform of the Wind Energy Sector. Its objective is to identify the priorities of research and innovation priorities for the wind energy sector, to maintain its strong technological position and respond to the changing needs of the market.
Contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Airborne Wind Europe
Avenue de la Renaissance 1
1000 Brussels, Belgium